Saturday, December 23, 2006

HotK 55 - Compromised

For the fanfiction readers, I have just posted a new chapter for Hands of the King, Ch. 55 - Compromised Click on the story title to go to the overview, click on the chapter name to go to the chapter.

Single Finduilas POV chapter. Warnings - Sadness, reversals, threats of violence, violence. A chapter with some shocks. MAy or may not be work safe, depending on how high your company's filters are.

Finduilas recovers from childbirth and plunges back into politics. It is not a happy transition. Many scenes of her with groups of people. A guest appearance by a certain Ranger. Several cameos by Boromir.

I have also posted two new appendices. One is a chronology of events, both of the story and of background to the story. The second is a chart of the changing commanders at the major garrisons in Gondor.

Wishing everyone an enjoyable holiday season,

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