Wednesday, April 18, 2007

LTC Bob Bateman on Guns

One of my favorite guest contributors to Altercation, Eric Alterman's almost daily blog, is Lt. Col. Bob Bateman. He's someone who takes time to think. Even when I disagree with him (and I do a good amount of the time), he's a pleasure to read. Today, I couldn't agree with him more:

I am sick of stories about guns, and how the blessed Founding Fathers wanted every little patriot baby to grow up with a Kentucky long-rifle over the mantle. It is a lie. It is a myth. The very idea is a concoction by people who want to believe something, regardless of the facts, and the fact that the lie has deep roots does not make it any more accurate.

I am sick of stories about people who claim that "guns don't kill people, people kill people." Bullshit. You do not see 70+ people, or even 40, or 20 ... or, (you get the picture) randomly gunned down in any of the countries where the tools of violence are confined to the authorities.

I am sick of idiots with an agenda pretending that what happened at Virginia Tech is not because we have too many damned guns in this country. Muzzle-loading blackpowder rifles, single-shot breech-loading hunting rifles, and single-barrel breech-loading shotguns, and that is about it, are all that should be allowed. Those tools can be used, legitimately, to hunt. You want more, move. Leave the United States to those who know the difference between something that is useful for hunting, and something that replaces the manhood you never attained. If you want more, join the Army. If you can't do that, and if you still want something that reloads quickly and gives you plenty of shots, BUY A DAMNED BOW!

But what really puts me over the top is one particular brand of NRA stupidity. That is the myth of the Wild West. In other words, if I hear one more stupid gun-loving sonuvabitch talk about how, "Well, if they just had allowed all those students to have guns, this lunatic at Virginia Tech wouldn'ta got far," I am going to slap his dumb ass on the first plane smokin' for Iraq, where I would like to personally drop him off, with as many guns as he would like, in Dora (that's a particularly nasty South Baghdad neighborhood with which I am familiar).

Yes, Dora would be perfect. In my mind's eye I am imagining plopping said gun nut off outside the blue-painted major police sub-station, just about six or seven blocks from another walled-in compound which is now a police barracks (or, at least it was, last year.). As a microcosm, Dora should be the NRA's dream town, as it perfectly matches the NRA "Wild West" theory of what is needed in a society: honor is important to the individual; the family is the most important part of society; all of the inhabitants are very religious (except for when they are not); and absolutely everyone has at least one gun.

In fact, I would very much like to personally place the CEO of the NRA, Mr. Wayne LaPierre, there right now. What'ya say, Wayne? Want to experience a world where everyone has a gun? C'mon, buddy, I'll even let you hump the pig.

(That means, "Carry the M-240 7.62 mm machine gun," people. Get your minds out of the gutter.)

OK, I'm calmer now.

Not much else to add to that except, "Yup."


Dr. Moonbeam said...

"Yup" indeed.


Anonymous said...

Yes... I have been wondering this week how many (school) shootings have actually been stopped by someone else having a gun... I suspect the answer to be a number between -1 and 1.

Anglachel said...

Hmm, that would be about, what, zero? That sounds right. I think there may be a case or two where a gunman is shot by authorities, but usually it ends in suicide.

What is most sick are the neo-fascists in the US bitching that the people who were being shot at should have "fought back" - as if it was their own fault if they didn't stop the killer.

A true hero in this was the old professor who barred the door of his classroom long enough to let his students escape.

There may be no way to 100% prevent someone bent on murder from obtaining weapons, but it can be made a hell of a lot harder to do so. Requiring firearms to be licensed and purchasers to be trained in safe handling practices would be a good first step.
