Thursday, April 03, 2008

Proving the Point

Remember my comments about the way the Clintons are protrayed by cartoonists? Well, here's what I got from Jeff Danziger this AM:

Low class, Bill is a dog, Hillary is smoking a corn-cob pipe, moonshine bottle on the porch, putting words in Chelsea's mouth to say that this is what her parents are like, that living with them is something terrible to be endured, family members you are ashamed to be seen with.

There is a very specific cultural narrative being told with this picture, one that the Washington DC elite (Dems, Repubs, Media Whores, etc.) have been pushing heavily since the day the Clintons set foot in Washington.



Shainzona said...

It's as if you had seen that cartoon as you were writing your post for that date.

We need to get your post published - along with this cartoon. Really!

Linda said...

When the elite swing low at the Clintons, they are swinging at me too. I have a PhD, I am an endowed Chair at a University and I founded a company. But, if the "elite" insist on this kind of narrative regarding the Clintons well put me up on the porch with them as extended family as well. Damn the MSM, the Dem "party elite" and the DNC. They don't represent me or the best of this country.

gendergappers said...

Interesting how this is the polar opposite of the way TPTB have been grooming and protecting and financing BO starting with having him speak at the last Dem Convention and throughout this Primary - with the corporate help of the misogynistic media - the sole purpose being to prevent Hillary, the most qualified to win.

They counted on his being black to claim any adverse information about him to be verboten because he would claim racism and people are scared of being called racist. Sexist, of course, is OK.

gendergappers said...

Don't miss beautiful poem about Hillary - it gives us all strength.

PM Summer said...

Danziger's is bad, but Pat Oliphant's is actually worse. How is this not rank racism? because the implication IS racist... that these "hicks" are a separate race from their Democratic "betters".

There's simply no excuse for this.

Chinaberry Turtle said...

must ... hold ... back ... angry ... inner ... Bubba .......

Take away the obvious derision of the cartoon, and I would LOVE that picture. That's exactly how I romanticize Hillary in my mind: relaxing on the porch in comfy overalls and having a bit of pipe-smoke. It would be my dream to pull up a rocking chair on that porch, pull out a $3 A.J. Fuente (ok - I prefer cheap cigars to pipes), take a little sip of her Appalachian moonshine, and just enjoy the afternoon breeze and conversation w/ Hillary.

And, oh - the cartoonist got it wrong. Moonshine now comes in mason jars, not jugs. Every Southern podunk knows that!

navyvet48 said...

I have a BS in Vocational Education. Never got any farther because the VA no longer considers me emplyable. Not to mention the fact they refused me Vocational Rehab. As my therapist pointed out to me last week I am not dumb. She considers me to be highly intelligent and well informed. Just loveds that pat on the back. We have a piece of heaven here in. A nice 4 my mind I think Bill and Hillary would love this piece of heaven too.

Despite my education I am still just a regular joe. Got to have my first cup of coffee in the AM with my computer.

Hubby is just a blue collar worker but highly respected by his bosses and his peers. He is so highly respected that he was asked personally by his big boss to go to Dallas and teach the installation of new equipment going on the airplanes his company makes.

As for me all I can see is Obama holding his nose in the air. He just reeks of arrogance. The comment saying he knows he can Hillary supporters to vote for him is an assumption he should never had made. We always say the word assume means making an a$$ out of you and me.

Shainzona said...

navyvet48...we will all hold our noses in the air as we proudly go into the voting booth to pull a lever, punch a card or write in Hillary Clinton in November.

The Fabulous Kitty Glendower said...

Moonshine now comes in mason jars, not jugs. Every Southern podunk knows that!

For real, I have never seen it in anything else but mason jars. I think the elites have been watching The Beverly Hillibillies a little too long.

Chinaberry Turtle said...

navyvet48 - your piece of heaven sounds nice. My dream is to make enough $ to have my own little 4 acres out in the country one day. I close my eyes and see blue-grass with gusts of wind making long ripples in the late afternoon. And a little shack down by the creek, just like in the cartoon, I can abscond away to and enjoy the simple, earthen pleasures of the countryside.

Anonymous said...

The cartoon is absurd. Bill and Hillary are probably the smartest Democratic politicians in Washington, they are rich, and they are highly educated lawyers. But just because Bill was born into a poor family and the Clintons are from Arkansas, they are portrayed as hillbilly trash by the Washington elite? I wonder what these elitists think about the average American who more than likely came from a more similar upbrining as Bill and Hillary than Kerry and Kennedy. Obama is just an arrogant elitist. Rev. Wright and his supporters can try to portray him as a victim compared to the Clintons but Obama and his wife have only embraced the snobbery and arrogance of the upper class. They have either forgotten or no longer have any connection to the hoi polloi and cannot relate to the basic needs of the working class. I personally like the fact that the Clintons are portrayed as more relatable to the lower class than the Washington elite. I think most of us have had enough with arrogance and ignorance after 8 years of George W. Bush the wannabe cowboy.

Shainzona said...

Do you think this cartoon ran in any NC newspapers? If not, let's get it sent to letters to the editor and/or local TV's degrading to the entire South and I would suspect they will not be happy with the depiction!!

Chinaberry Turtle said...

I think there are two objections one might have to the cartoon:

(1) It is unfair to portray Hillary in this manner. She is smart and sophisticated, not a Hillbilly.

(2) What is wrong with being a Hillbilly?

My concern is that the liberal elites would view objection to the cartoon as falling within category #1 above. That would be a big mistake.

Anonymous said...

I'm grateful for Hillary to run for POTUS. Whatever is the outcome, she has already did her great service to unearth that sexism is widely accepted in our country.

Pat Johnson said...

Between the cartoons and the Randi Rhodes comments I wonder how she can actually get out of bed each morning The onslaught of mud thrown at her only proves how tough she really is. If the press did as much Obamabaiting there would be massive outcries of unfairness, and rightly so. I have visited other sites and find that many are high fiving Randi Rhodes rather then expressing the moral outrage I would expect as a result. Very unfortunate and speaks volumes of how women are viewed.

Anonymous said...

As a bonafide descendant of Hill Billies,( Grand mother's maiden name was Hatfield, yes those Hatfields; our branch moved to Illinois to get away from the fued... ) I find it ironic that the elite continue to denigrate the Clintons in this childish way. Bill was a rhodes scholar and they both of them worked their way through their educations and their careers. To the elite it makes them so uncomfortable when the poor or working class actually succed in their silver spoon environment.
Obama as a candidate cannot win over the working class because he is not and has never been one of us. The Clintons eac of them began as one of us. Bill was dirt poor, and Hillary was working class. They worked their way up the hard way. Obama by comparison seems sheltered. He comes off as a classic liberal out of touch with anyone outside of his base. This cartoon is so old hat, it's like the Arkansas project. How stupid do these people think the electorate is.

Big Bear's Alpha Mama said...

Can you imagine the stink raised if obama and his wife were portrayed in that cartoon. obama,as the poodle of rev.(not so)Wright. His angry wife with corn row braids shelling peas...their two girls standing out in front of the porch doing a soft shoe to the tune of...well,you get it.
The screams of racist and bigot would be heard from coast to coast.

gendergappers said...

Big Bear - all you wrote is on the mark and more. The newspaper publishing that cartoon you describe would be burned to the ground and the cartoonist would live a short tortured life at GitMo.