Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Poll Report from San Diego

Not much to say, actually. It rained this morning, but that stopped by @ 11:00 AM. Me and the Spousal Unit went to the polls shortly after 12. There were no lines for either precinct that votes at our polling place. It's a pretty icky church hall so I will definitely be going the mail in voter route from now on. There was one very elderly voter who was having issues understanding the process and was being assisted by a poll worker, but everyone else appeared to know what they were doing. I always take a marked voter guide with me to make it easier to get the ballot marked quickly. It went without a hitch, taking me less than 4 minutes from receiving hte ballot to handing it back in.

Outside the polling location, at a proper distance, the No on Prop 8 people had the place staked out, with small cards to remind people to vote No. There was no way to get to the hall without passing one of these people. This is the measure I really want to see defeated.

In general San Diego news, the Union-Tribune reports that voter turn out is good, but that some voting machines are having issues. The one machine at our precinct was not being used but looked operational. There are complaints that people requesting mail-in ballots did not receive them and are having to fill out provisional ballots instead. No indication whether the people asking for mail-in are regular mail-in voters or new registrants.

Here is another article focusing on turn out in San Diego County. It might be as heavy as the 1976 election.



Roxie Smith Lindemann said...

Anglachel -- Any gut feeling on Prop 8 today? The queers of America are on the edges of their seats.

Anglachel said...

Hi Roxie,

50/50. Very location dependent. My neighborhood is 95% NO on 8. We're trying to rack up numbers to counterbalance the conservatives in North County.